I often receive calls from clients, which ask selling the real estate and to buy business. The economy becomes astable, for example, in a family with children where husband sometimes is working sometimes is not, its affairs go very astably, so the family has made the decision to buy business and to work on itself.
In connection with the Olympic Games, to begin or develop business existing already it is favorable enough time. And so, we expect many visitors and tourists, and for all of the businesses it is good not to miss this time.
For beginners in this business it is more favorable to buy already existing business. I offer on sale of cafe-shop which is located near by the Barnet Hwy — where constantly there is a movement, and this already for years has turned out to herself clients — which stop there that it is good to have dinner.
On this area already are – 1) Frogstone Grill (Canadian restaurant), 2) Ding Hao Noodle House (Taiwanese), 3) Sushi Town — and all clientele of these restaurants necessarily though time will drop in to you try the Russian-Ukrainian or Georgian dishes. You do not need to be spent for advertising and business promotion already. You need to prepare simply well that clients have wanted to return to you still.
Call us, if you wish to make an appointment to come and see and make sure.
Price: $63,000